About Me
Hello! My name is Cassandra (Casey) Goldberg. I am a first-year computer science PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania. I am fortunate to be advised by Eric Wong, where I work as part of his Brachio Lab.
I previously earned my BA in computer science and physics at Bowdoin College. There, I researched statistically-sound deep learning techniques for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image segmentation under the mentorship of Jeová Farias.
Going forward, I am interested in researching trustworthy and responsible AI.
Recent News!
- May 22, 2024: I completed my senior Honors Project, ‘Statistically Principled Deep Learning for SAR Image Segmentation,’ which can be found in Bowdoin Digital Commons.
- Feb 27, 2024: I was honored to be chosen as an AAAI-24 Undergraduate Consortium Scholar, where I had the opportunity to attend the conference and present a project proposal which is published in their Conference Proceedings.